November 6, 2025

"Pre-Event Gathering for Laughing Bodies”


Gray Bear will be offering a time to settle in before our retreat officially begins with a day of early arrival; an opportunity to enjoy intimate conversations with Diann, Rebecca and Adam. We offer this option as a way to honor creating space in our lives: extra time to enjoy our community, savor our time together and linger with this majestic Fall season as we transition into winter.

Please plan to arrive between 4-6pm on Thursday Nov 6th. We’ll have dinner for you at 6:00pm. Our next morning will be relaxed: sleep in, breakfast, time for massage and sauna..... we’d love for you to join us!

Nov 6th Pre-event Cost: The early arrival will be $155 additional total to the weekend. This includes extra night stay, dinner as well as breakfast and lunch on Friday.

Yoga will be informal on Friday morning: no scheduled class, but our yoga room will be open if you would like to gather and practice with other kind souls.

Please do just add a comment on registration that you wish to arrive for this early arrival.

Gray Bear Lodge P.O. Box 682 Hohenwald, TN 38462

Telephone: 615-782-0469

Workshop Sign-up Form